Alist V3是一个支持多种存储,支持网页浏览和 WebDAV 的文件列表程序,由 gin 和 Solidjs 驱动。
POST token获取
POST /api/auth/login
名称 | 位置 | 类型 | 必选 | 说明 |
Password | query | string | 是 | 密码 |
Username | query | string | 是 | 用户名 |
"code": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"token": "abcd"
状态码 | 状态码含义 | 说明 | 数据模型 |
200 | OK | 成功 | Inline |
状态码 200
名称 | 类型 | 必选 | 约束 | 中文名 | 说明 |
» code | integer | true | none | 状态码 | |
» message | string | true | none | 信息 | |
» data | object | true | none | data | |
»» token | string | true | none | token |
POST 获取文件列表
POST /api/fs/list
Body 请求参数
"page": 3,
"password": "",
"path": "/阿里云盘",
"per_page": 30,
"refresh": false
名称 | 位置 | 类型 | 必选 | 说明 |
Authorization | header | string | 是 | 用户token |
Content-Type | header | string | 否 | none |
body | body | object | 否 | none |
» page | body | integer | 否 | 当前页数 |
» password | body | string | 否 | 密码 |
» path | body | string | 否 | 路径 |
» per_page | body | integer | 否 | 每页文件数 |
» refresh | body | boolean | 否 | 强制刷新 |
"code": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"content": [
"name": "201311",
"size": 0,
"is_dir": true,
"modified": "2021-11-30T15:41:43.004Z",
"sign": "",
"thumb": "",
"type": 1
"name": "201312",
"size": 0,
"is_dir": true,
"modified": "2021-11-30T15:42:26.839Z",
"sign": "",
"thumb": "",
"type": 1
"name": "201401",
"size": 0,
"is_dir": true,
"modified": "2021-11-30T15:42:37.344Z",
"sign": "",
"thumb": "",
"type": 1
"name": "201402",
"size": 0,
"is_dir": true,
"modified": "2021-11-30T15:41:35.053Z",
"sign": "",
"thumb": "",
"type": 1
"name": "201403",
"size": 0,
"is_dir": true,
"modified": "2021-11-30T15:41:51.271Z",
"sign": "",
"thumb": "",
"type": 1
"total": 77,
"readme": "",
"write": true,
"provider": "Aliyundrive"
状态码 | 状态码含义 | 说明 | 数据模型 |
200 | OK | 成功 | Inline |
状态码 200
名称 | 类型 | 必选 | 约束 | 中文名 | 说明 |
» code | integer | true | none | 状态码 | |
» message | string | true | none | 信息 | |
» data | object | true | none | none | |
»» content | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»» name | string | true | none | 文件名 | |
»»» size | integer | true | none | 文件大小 | |
»»» is_dir | boolean | true | none | 是否为目录 | |
»»» modified | string | true | none | 修改时间 | |
»»» sign | string | true | none | 访问密钥 | |
»»» thumb | string | true | none | 缩略图地址 | |
»»» type | integer | true | none | none | |
»» total | integer | true | none | 总文件数 | |
»» readme | string | true | none | none | |
»» write | boolean | true | none | 写入权限 | |
»» provider | string | true | none | 存储类型 |
POST 新建文件夹
POST /api/fs/mkdir
Body 请求参数
"path": "/阿里云盘/test3"
名称 | 位置 | 类型 | 必选 | 说明 |
Authorization | header | string | 是 | token |
Content-Type | header | string | 否 | none |
body | body | object | 否 | none |
» path | body | string | 是 | 新目录路径 |
"code": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": null
状态码 | 状态码含义 | 说明 | 数据模型 |
200 | OK | 成功 | Inline |
状态码 200
名称 | 类型 | 必选 | 约束 | 中文名 | 说明 |
» code | integer | true | none | 状态码 | |
» message | string | true | none | 信息 | |
» data | null | true | none | data |
POST 重命名文件夹
POST /api/fs/rename
Body 请求参数
"name": "test3",
"path": "/阿里云盘/test2"
名称 | 位置 | 类型 | 必选 | 说明 |
Authorization | header | string | 是 | token |
Content-Type | header | string | 否 | none |
body | body | object | 否 | none |
» name | body | string | 是 | 目标目录名,不支持'/' |
» path | body | string | 是 | 源目录名 |
"code": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": null
状态码 | 状态码含义 | 说明 | 数据模型 |
200 | OK | 成功 | Inline |
状态码 200
名称 | 类型 | 必选 | 约束 | 中文名 | 说明 |
» code | integer | true | none | 状态码 | |
» message | string | true | none | 信息 | |
» data | null | true | none | none |
POST 删除文件夹
POST /api/fs/remove
Body 请求参数
"dir": "/阿里云盘",
"names": [
名称 | 位置 | 类型 | 必选 | 说明 |
Authorization | header | string | 是 | token |
Content-Type | header | string | 是 | none |
body | body | object | 否 | none |
» dir | body | string | 是 | 文件所在目录 |
» names | body | [string] | 是 | 文件名列表 |
"code": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": null
状态码 | 状态码含义 | 说明 | 数据模型 |
200 | OK | 成功 | Inline |
状态码 200
名称 | 类型 | 必选 | 约束 | 中文名 | 说明 |
» code | integer | true | none | 状态码 | |
» message | string | true | none | 信息 | |
» data | null | true | none | data |
PUT 表单上传文件
PUT /api/fs/form
Body 请求参数
file: file://C:\test.jpg
名称 | 位置 | 类型 | 必选 | 说明 |
Authorization | header | string | 是 | token |
Content-Type | header | string | 是 | 需要是multipart/form-data; |
Content-Length | header | string | 是 | 文件大小 |
file-path | header | string | 是 | 经过URL编码的完整文件路径 |
body | body | object | 否 | none |
» file | body | string(binary) | 是 | 文件 |
"code": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": null
状态码 | 状态码含义 | 说明 | 数据模型 |
200 | OK | 成功 | Inline |
状态码 200
名称 | 类型 | 必选 | 约束 | 中文名 | 说明 |
» code | integer | true | none | 状态码 | |
» message | string | true | none | 信息 | |
» data | null | true | none | data |
POST 获取下载信息
POST /api/fs/get
Body 请求参数
"path": "/阿里云盘/test/sw.jpg",
"password": ""
名称 | 位置 | 类型 | 必选 | 说明 |
Authorization | header | string | 是 | token |
Content-Type | header | string | 否 | none |
body | body | object | 否 | none |
» password | body | string | 否 | 密码 |
» path | body | string | 是 | 文件路径 |
"code": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"name": "sw.jpg",
"size": 169918,
"is_dir": false,
"modified": "2022-11-26T12:54:54.534Z",
"sign": "xxxx",
"thumb": "",
"type": 5,
"raw_url": "",
"readme": "",
"provider": "Aliyundrive",
"related": null
状态码 | 状态码含义 | 说明 | 数据模型 |
200 | OK | 成功 | Inline |
状态码 200
名称 | 类型 | 必选 | 约束 | 中文名 | 说明 |
» code | integer | true | none | 状态码 | |
» message | string | true | none | 信息 | |
» data | object | true | none | data | |
»» name | string | true | none | 文件名 | |
»» size | integer | true | none | 文件大小 | |
»» is_dir | boolean | true | none | 是否是目录 | |
»» modified | string | true | none | 修改时间 | |
»» sign | string | true | none | 文件密钥 | |
»» thumb | string | true | none | 缩略图地址 | |
»» type | integer | true | none | 类型 | |
»» raw_url | string | true | none | 源文件下载地址 | |
»» readme | string | true | none | none | |
»» provider | string | true | none | 驱动类型 | |
»» related | null | true | none | none |
GET 系统设置
GET /api/admin/setting/list
名称 | 位置 | 类型 | 必选 | 说明 |
group | query | integer | 是 | 0-站点;1-样式;2-预览;3-全局;4-令牌;5-aria2 |
Authorization | header | string | 是 | token |
Content-Type | header | string | 是 | none |
"code": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": [
"key": "version",
"value": "v3.5.1",
"help": "",
"type": "string",
"options": "",
"group": 0,
"flag": 2
"key": "site_title",
"value": "",
"help": "",
"type": "string",
"options": "",
"group": 0,
"flag": 0
"key": "announcement",
"value": "",
"help": "",
"type": "text",
"options": "",
"group": 0,
"flag": 0
"key": "pagination_type",
"value": "pagination",
"help": "",
"type": "select",
"options": "all,pagination,load_more,auto_load_more",
"group": 0,
"flag": 0
"key": "default_page_size",
"value": "30",
"help": "",
"type": "number",
"options": "",
"group": 0,
"flag": 0
状态码 | 状态码含义 | 说明 | 数据模型 |
200 | OK | 成功 | Inline |
状态码 200
名称 | 类型 | 必选 | 约束 | 中文名 | 说明 |
» code | integer | true | none | 状态码 | |
» message | string | true | none | 信息 | |
» data | [object] | true | none | none | |
»» key | string | true | none | 键 | |
»» value | string | true | none | 值 | |
»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»» type | string | true | none | 类型 | |
»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»» group | integer | true | none | none | |
»» flag | integer | true | none | none |
GET 账户列表
GET /api/admin/user/list
名称 | 位置 | 类型 | 必选 | 说明 |
Authorization | header | string | 是 | token |
"code": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"content": [
"id": 1,
"username": "admin",
"password": "",
"base_path": "/",
"role": 2,
"permission": 0
"id": 2,
"username": "guest",
"password": "",
"base_path": "/",
"role": 1,
"permission": 0
"total": 2
状态码 | 状态码含义 | 说明 | 数据模型 |
200 | OK | 成功 | Inline |
状态码 200
名称 | 类型 | 必选 | 约束 | 中文名 | 说明 |
» code | integer | true | none | 状态码 | |
» message | string | true | none | 信息 | |
» data | object | true | none | data | |
»» content | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»» id | integer | true | none | id | |
»»» username | string | true | none | 用户名 | |
»»» password | string | true | none | 密码 | |
»»» base_path | string | true | none | 目录 | |
»»» role | integer | true | none | none | |
»»» permission | integer | true | none | 权限 | |
»» total | integer | true | none | none |
GET 存储列表
GET /api/admin/storage/list
名称 | 位置 | 类型 | 必选 | 说明 |
Authorization | header | string | 是 | token |
"code": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"content": [
"id": 1,
"mount_path": "/阿里云盘",
"order": 0,
"driver": "Aliyundrive",
"cache_expiration": 30,
"status": "work",
"addition": "{\"root_folder_id\":\"xxx\",\"refresh_token\":\"xxx\",\"order_by\":\"name\",\"order_direction\":\"ASC\",\"rapid_upload\":false}",
"remark": "",
"modified": "2022-11-26T18:55:55.261579727+08:00",
"disabled": false,
"order_by": "",
"order_direction": "",
"extract_folder": "",
"web_proxy": false,
"webdav_policy": "302_redirect",
"down_proxy_url": ""
"total": 1
状态码 | 状态码含义 | 说明 | 数据模型 |
200 | OK | 成功 | Inline |
状态码 200
名称 | 类型 | 必选 | 约束 | 中文名 | 说明 |
» code | integer | true | none | 状态码 | |
» message | string | true | none | 信息 | |
» data | object | true | none | none | |
»» content | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»» id | integer | false | none | id | |
»»» mount_path | string | false | none | 挂载路径 | |
»»» order | integer | false | none | 顺序 | |
»»» driver | string | false | none | 驱动类型 | |
»»» cache_expiration | integer | false | none | 缓存时间 | |
»»» status | string | false | none | 状态 | |
»»» addition | string | false | none | 额外信息 | |
»»» remark | string | false | none | 备注名 | |
»»» modified | string | false | none | 修改时间 | |
»»» disabled | boolean | false | none | 是否被禁用 | |
»»» order_by | string | false | none | 排序方式 | |
»»» order_direction | string | false | none | 排序方向 | |
»»» extract_folder | string | false | none | 提取目录顺序 | |
»»» web_proxy | boolean | false | none | http代理 | |
»»» webdav_policy | string | false | none | webdav策略 | |
»»» down_proxy_url | string | false | none | 下载代理url | |
»» total | integer | true | none | none |
POST 启用存储
POST /api/admin/storage/enable
名称 | 位置 | 类型 | 必选 | 说明 |
id | query | integer | 是 | 存储id |
Authorization | header | string | 是 | token |
"code": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": null
状态码 | 状态码含义 | 说明 | 数据模型 |
200 | OK | 成功 | Inline |
状态码 200
名称 | 类型 | 必选 | 约束 | 中文名 | 说明 |
» code | integer | true | none | 状态码 | |
» message | string | true | none | 信息 | |
» data | null | true | none | data |
POST 禁用存储
POST /api/admin/storage/disable
名称 | 位置 | 类型 | 必选 | 说明 |
id | query | string | 是 | 存储id |
Authorization | header | string | 是 | token |
"code": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": null
状态码 | 状态码含义 | 说明 | 数据模型 |
200 | OK | 成功 | Inline |
状态码 200
名称 | 类型 | 必选 | 约束 | 中文名 | 说明 |
» code | integer | true | none | 状态码 | |
» message | string | true | none | 信息 | |
» data | null | true | none | data |
POST 新建存储
POST /api/admin/storage/create
Body 请求参数
"mount_path": "/阿里云盘2",
"order": 1,
"remark": "",
"cache_expiration": 30,
"web_proxy": false,
"webdav_policy": "302_redirect",
"down_proxy_url": "",
"extract_folder": "front",
"driver": "Aliyundrive",
"addition": "{\"root_folder_id\":\"\",\"refresh_token\":\"\",\"order_by\":\"size\",\"order_direction\":\"ASC\",\"rapid_upload\":false}"
名称 | 位置 | 类型 | 必选 | 说明 |
Authorization | header | string | 是 | token |
body | body | object | 否 | none |
» mount_path | body | string | 是 | 挂载路径 |
» order | body | integer | 是 | 排序 |
» remark | body | string | 是 | 备注名 |
» cache_expiration | body | integer | 是 | 缓存过期时间 |
» web_proxy | body | boolean | 是 | web代理 |
» webdav_policy | body | string | 是 | webdav策略 |
» down_proxy_url | body | string | 是 | 下载代理 |
» extract_folder | body | string | 是 | 提取目录 |
» driver | body | string | 是 | 驱动 |
» addition | body | string | 是 | 额外信息 |
"code": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"id": 2
状态码 | 状态码含义 | 说明 | 数据模型 |
200 | OK | 成功 | Inline |
状态码 200
名称 | 类型 | 必选 | 约束 | 中文名 | 说明 |
» code | integer | true | none | 状态码 | |
» message | string | true | none | 信息 | |
» data | object | true | none | data | |
»» id | integer | true | none | none |
GET 查询指定存储信息
GET /api/admin/storage/get
名称 | 位置 | 类型 | 必选 | 说明 |
id | query | string | 是 | 存储id |
Authorization | header | string | 是 | token |
"code": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"id": 2,
"mount_path": "/阿里云盘2",
"order": 1,
"driver": "Aliyundrive",
"cache_expiration": 30,
"status": "work",
"addition": "{\"root_folder_id\":\"\",\"refresh_token\":\"\",\"order_by\":\"size\",\"order_direction\":\"ASC\",\"rapid_upload\":false}",
"remark": "",
"modified": "2022-11-26T21:50:44.142348853+08:00",
"disabled": false,
"order_by": "",
"order_direction": "",
"extract_folder": "front",
"web_proxy": false,
"webdav_policy": "302_redirect",
"down_proxy_url": ""
状态码 | 状态码含义 | 说明 | 数据模型 |
200 | OK | 成功 | Inline |
状态码 200
名称 | 类型 | 必选 | 约束 | 中文名 | 说明 |
» code | integer | true | none | 状态码 | |
» message | string | true | none | 信息 | |
» data | object | true | none | none | |
»» id | integer | true | none | id | |
»» mount_path | string | true | none | 挂载路径 | |
»» order | integer | true | none | 排序 | |
»» driver | string | true | none | 驱动 | |
»» cache_expiration | integer | true | none | 缓存过期时间 | |
»» status | string | true | none | 状态 | |
»» addition | string | true | none | 额外信息 | |
»» remark | string | true | none | 备注 | |
»» modified | string | true | none | 修改时间 | |
»» disabled | boolean | true | none | 是否被禁用 | |
»» order_by | string | true | none | 排序方式 | |
»» order_direction | string | true | none | 排序方向 | |
»» extract_folder | string | true | none | 提取目录 | |
»» web_proxy | boolean | true | none | web代理 | |
»» webdav_policy | string | true | none | webdav策略 | |
»» down_proxy_url | string | true | none | 下载代理 |
GET 查询所有驱动配置模板列表
GET /api/admin/driver/list
名称 | 位置 | 类型 | 必选 | 说明 |
Authorization | header | string | 是 | token |
"code": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"115 Cloud": {
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"options": "",
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"default": "",
"options": "",
"required": false,
"help": ""
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"type": "number",
"default": "30",
"options": "",
"required": true,
"help": "The cache expiration time for this storage"
"name": "webdav_policy",
"type": "select",
"default": "native_proxy",
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"required": true,
"help": ""
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"default": "",
"options": "",
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"default": "",
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"help": ""
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"options": "",
"required": false,
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"options": "",
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"help": ""
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"options": "",
"required": true,
"help": "The cache expiration time for this storage"
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"default": "",
"options": "",
"required": false,
"help": ""
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"options": "302_redirect,use_proxy_url,native_proxy",
"required": true,
"help": ""
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"default": "",
"options": "",
"required": false,
"help": ""
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"required": false,
"help": ""
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"default": "",
"options": "",
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"help": ""
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"default": "asc",
"options": "asc,desc",
"required": false,
"help": ""
"name": "root_folder_id",
"type": "string",
"default": "0",
"options": "",
"required": true,
"help": ""
"name": "stream_upload",
"type": "bool",
"default": "",
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"required": false,
"help": ""
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"only_local": false,
"only_proxy": false,
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"no_upload": false,
"need_ms": false,
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状态码 | 状态码含义 | 说明 | 数据模型 |
200 | OK | 成功 | Inline |
状态码 200
名称 | 类型 | 必选 | 约束 | 中文名 | 说明 |
» code | integer | true | none | 状态码 | |
» message | string | true | none | 信息 | |
» data | object | true | none | none | |
»» 115 Cloud | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
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»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
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»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» 123Pan | object | true | none | none | |
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»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» 139Yun | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» 189Cloud | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» 189CloudPC | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» AList V2 | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» AList V3 | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» Aliyundrive | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» AliyundriveShare | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» BaiduNetdisk | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» BaiduPhoto | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» FTP | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» GoogleDrive | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» GooglePhoto | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» Lanzou | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» Local | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» MediaTrack | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» Mega_nz | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» Onedrive | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» PikPak | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» Quark | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» S3 | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» SFTP | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» SMB | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» Teambition | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» Thunder | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» ThunderExpert | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» USS | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» Virtual | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» WebDav | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none | |
»» YandexDisk | object | true | none | none | |
»»» common | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» additional | [object] | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» type | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» default | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» options | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» required | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» help | string | true | none | none | |
»»» config | object | true | none | none | |
»»»» name | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» local_sort | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_local | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» only_proxy | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_cache | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» no_upload | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» need_ms | boolean | true | none | none | |
»»»» default_root | string | true | none | none | |
»»»» CheckStatus | boolean | true | none | none |
POST 删除指定存储
POST /api/admin/storage/delete
名称 | 位置 | 类型 | 必选 | 说明 |
id | query | string | 否 | 存储id |
Authorization | header | string | 是 | token |
"code": 200,
"message": "success",
"data": null
状态码 | 状态码含义 | 说明 | 数据模型 |
200 | OK | 成功 | Inline |
状态码 200
名称 | 类型 | 必选 | 约束 | 中文名 | 说明 |
» code | integer | true | none | 状态码 | |
» message | string | true | none | 信息 | |
» data | null | true | none | data |
Comments NOTHING